
Kodak Tri-X Pan 400, TX-Pan Black & White Negative Film ISO 400, 35mm Size, 36 Exposure

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KODAK TRI-X Pan Film is a high-speed (ISO 400/27°) panchromatic film that is a good choice for photographing dimly lighted subjects or fast action, for photographing subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds, and for extending the distance range for flash pictures. TRI-X Pan Film (TX) is available in 120 and 135 sizes and 35 and 70 mm long rolls. You can retouch the 120-size film on the emulsion side. TRI-X Pan Film is recommended for push-processing applications.

  • Fine grain Good for producing high-quality images
  • Wide exposure latitude Rich tonality maintained with over exposure and underexposure
  • High sharpness Good for applications that require a moderate degree of enlargement
  • High resolving power Good rendition of detail