Name: Rollei 35 Carl Zeiss Made in Singapore
”no light meter”
Condition: B+
Colour: silver
Lens : Carl Zeiss Tessar 40mm F3.5
light meter: Support
ASA/ISO Support: 25-1600
Flash: N/A
Battery: 1*PX625
Film: 135 (35mm)
SKU: 3231782
About The Condition:
(A+) Mint
This item is very clean and beautiful. Please check photos.
Beautiful condition.
There is no fog.There is no scratches.
There is no separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
It works properly.
Beautiful condition.
There is no fog.
There is no scratches.
There is no separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
It works properly.
Beautiful condition.
There is no fog.
There is few scratches.
There is no separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
It works properly.
Beautiful condition.
There is slight fog.
There is few scratches.
There is few separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
It works properly.
(C+) AS-IS
Normal condition.
There is slight fog.
There is scratches.
There is no separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
There is fog.
There is fungus.
There is cratches.
There is eparation.
There is few tiny dusts.
Shutter may work. Flash does not work.
Beautiful condition.
There is fog.
There is fungus.
There is scratches.
There is separation.
There is few tiny dusts.
Shutter may not works properly